This is an opportunity for readers of this newsletter to anonymously ask me a question about any aspect of student recruitment, leadership, and professional or personal development. Each week I’ll post my answer for everyone to read.
Q. An Admissions Counselor asks:
“I’m new and struggling with a lot of things right now but what’s the biggest thing you think new admissions counselors struggle with?”
A. Thank you for your question! I could go a bunch of different directions here, but I’m going to choose self-awareness.
I think it’s hard for a person to improve any skill if they’re not self-aware. I’ve seen friends, leaders, and others in numerous professions fall short because they don’t know, that they don’t know.
When was the last time you asked yourself who you are and what you’re good (and not good) at? Do you truly understand your skill set and your DNA? What would those around you say if I asked them those same questions? And just to be clear, I’m not talking about just your skills as an admissions counselor, but also as a human being.
When you’re self-aware and you know what you’re good at you can use those skills to advance. And when you come to grips with what you’re not as good at, and are willing to ask for help with, that also allows you move forward much faster.
Self-awareness isn’t easy, but I believe it’s a game changer once you figure it out.