By Jeremy Tiers, Vice President of Admissions Services
1 minute read
It’s a frequently heard excuse that admitted students give each spring as to why they aren’t ready to make their decision.
They’re thinking about visiting another college that’s on their short list.
It’s a fair reason, but if they see themselves fitting in and being happy at your school, and they feel like the cost is an amount their family is comfortable investing for college, do they really need to keep exploring their options?
I would argue they don’t… but students don’t always understand why that’s the case.
If you find yourself in this situation, don’t sit back and wait. Instead, I encourage you to ask the following question – whether the student has visited your campus or not.
“<Student’s First or Preferred Name>, what are some things you’re looking to find at <Other College’s Name> that maybe you don’t feel you found here at our school?”
Asking that question gives the student permission to share any hesitation they might have about your school. You definitely need to find out if there’s something that is motivating them to keep looking.
If the student doesn’t have a concrete answer, my advice is to tell them you feel like they’d be a great addition to your campus community, and then directly ask how they feel about submitting their deposit.
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